Getting the right financing is an important part of your truck purchase. We advocate for you with our lenders and negotiate the best loan for your unique needs.
We advocate for you with our lenders and negotiate the best loan for your unique needs.
Financing is not based solely on credit score. Generally a lender will look at a combination of factors including your credit score, length of time you have been in business, comparable debt, and any previous truck financing.
It depends on whether you are a first-time purchaser or not. We will negotiate the best interest rates and down payment for you with the lender.
Yes, you can! We always recommend that you get a warranty because it helps stabilize your business and sets you up for success. You can wrap the warranty purchase into your loan.
When you use Daimler Truck Financial as your lender, you can include physical damage, non-trucking liability (bobtail), and gap insurance in contract. This is an especially good deal for owner operators. Daimler Truck Financial is an option for used trucks, even if your truck is not a Daimler vehicle.
Our major lenders include, but are not limited to, Daimler Truck Financial, Volvo Finance, and BMO.